Contains abundant IgG. A natural food that is the most similar with mother milk.
Colostrum is the first milk secreted by cows after parturition, contains precious IgG and abundant calcium, protein, various microelements and other nutrients.
About APS
APS was founded in 2003, built a great scale and highly effective factory in Phoenix, Arizona in 2004 to produce the best qualified colostrum. With 100,000 square foot factory, divided into three departments which are colostrum, Immulox and combined manufacturing. Products are exported to over 50 countries globally. In 2017, PanTheryx buyout APS BioGroup and La Belle Associates.

About Colostrum
The first milk secreted by cows after parturition.
Colostrum is the first milk secreted by cows after parturition, contains precious IgG and abundant calcium, protein, various microelements and other nutrients. It is a natural food that contains the most similar ingredients and quantities of nutrients as mother milk does.

Infants and Adults Nutritional Supplements

Sport Nutritional Supplements

Dairy Products

Energy bar

Probiotics Beverage

Skin Care Products

Cleaning Products and Shampoo

ISO 9001