Lack of physical activity, prolonged sitting hours, or frequently eating out can all lead to a sluggish metabolism. There's been a rising preference for metabolic and digestive health supplements, as they're believed to extend people's health span.
Postbiotics Humiome® Post LB
Humiome® Post LB is a safe, stable, and easy-to-use ingredient composed of a unique combination of two proprietary Lactobacillus strains, their metabolites, and fermentation media. It provides health benefits in various fields.
boocharati® Kombucha Powder
boocharati® is kombucha in powder form long-time brewed from organic green tea.
Sugarcane Fiber
The tasteless, odorless, white-color sugarcane fiber has high amounts of insoluble fiber and can be widely used in various products.
Avocado Oil
Mexican fresh avocado contains high nutrition value, omega-9, to regulate physiological function and stabilized to high temperature, available for pan-fry or stir-fry.
CardioAid® Plant Sterols
Ester form of CardioAid® Plant Sterols can enhance the regulation of cholesterol levels and benefit the gastrointestinal tract.
Black Cumin Seed Oil
Black Cumin Seed Oil is rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, 9 essential amino acids, protein, zinc, selenium, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, and Thymoquinone (TQ).
Cassiae Semen Extract
Cassiae Semen Extract contains the active ingredient — Emodin, which benefits smooth bowel movements.
Sacha Inchi Oil Powder
Sacha inchi oil powder can be dispersed evenly in water solution and is made from Peruvian native unrefined sacha inchi oil, which contains the ideal ratio of omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acid and essential fatty acid.
Manna-K Aged Kombucha
Brew and package in as little as 24 hours. Manna-K is your most efficient way to make commercial Kombucha at scale.