Women Health
We're seeing a growing preference for proactive healthcare in the women's health & beauty supplements market. Here are some ingredients that help prevent nutritional deficiencies among women.
GPVGPS Collagen
Extracted from fish scales, this micro-molecule collagen contains a specific and unique hexapeptide (GPVGPS). Research shows that a daily intake of 2 grams can effectively help improve beauty and skincare.
SiWake Silica Collagen Compound
Women, in particular, may experience hair issues due to hormonal imbalances, but solutions for women are scarce in the market.
Resveratrol, mainly found in red grapes and their products, is gaining notable recognition in the supplement industry.
Essentide® Collagen Peptide
Made from fresh bone and designed with high standard. The best quality and the most cost efficient collagen on the market.
NovaSoy® Soy Isoflavones
Sourced from non-GMO soybean with a natural perfect ratio of nutrients.
Non-GMO Lecithin
High-quality non-GMO lecithin accredited against the industry’s toughest standard.
vivina® res|Resveratrol Ingredient Powder Form Bulk Supply
vivina® res contains not just 20% resveratrol but a good amount of polyphenols that is bio available for the human body.
Borage Oil
The oil extracted from borage is rich in γ-linolenic acid, which helps women adjust physiology, maintain beauty and stay healthy.
Evening Primrose Oil
Extracted from finest plants, Evening Primrose Oil retains rich γ-linolenic acid which helps women improve physiology, maintain beauty and health.
Rose Essential Oil
Endowing with intoxicating aroma, the top-grade Damascus distilled rose essential oil from Bulgaria, the country of roses, is 100% natural, safe, edible and helps promote healthy beauty looking skin.
Green Tea Extract Powder
Green Tea Extract Powder made from unfermented tea. Contains a high concentration of polyphenols, catechins and EGCG.
CardioAid® Plant Sterols
Ester form of CardioAid® Plant Sterols can enhance the regulation of cholesterol levels and benefit the gastrointestinal tract.
IONTEC's Collasil® OSA combines stable monomeric orthosilicic acid and collagen, providing a dual benefit for youthful, radiant skin.